Clan Gathering Opinion Survey – Thank You

Dysert O`Dea Clan > Blog > Archives > Clan Gathering Opinion Survey – Thank You

Dear Clan Members,

Here is a message from the Chairman of the Clan Association and the Taoiseach (Clan Chieftain).

Thank you all those who participated in our recent Survey.  We were blown away by the incredible response and welcome the insights your responses provided.
You can view a summary of the Survey Results here:
As you know, the last Clan Gathering in Ireland was held in May 2018.  The next one was to have been held in July 2021, but we had to defer this.  We are starting to plan to hold the next Clan Gathering, again in Ennis Co. Clare, from 8-10 July 2022.  We anticipate that fewer people will be willing to attend owing to what we anticipate will be continuing uncertainty regarding Covid-19, including what regulations may be in place regarding visiting other countries, and that costs relating to all aspects of travel are expected to have increased.
Before the end of the year, we intend to provide indicative prices for a Gathering in 2021 and seek expressions of interest.  If it is feasible, we hope to broadcast or record some sessions and make these available for members.
This note is to provide you with an update that we do hope to run a Clan Gathering next year.  We will keep you informed of our plans through this Website, our Newsletters and by email.
We will also update you on plans for other Gatherings in other locations such as North America or maybe even in New Zealand where the one planned for 2020 also had to be cancelled due to Covid.


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1 thought on “Clan Gathering Opinion Survey – Thank You”

  1. Hi Tom

    We will attempt another clan gathering on your advice here in New Zealand remembering that Richard O’Dea will probably do most of the coordination, but I do believe New Plymouth would still be a good place as a venue but I am not sure how easy it will be to get the numbers up
    I will definitely try to get to Ireland for the next clan gathering

    Brian O’Dea

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