New Branding Adopted by the O’Dea Clan

Dysert O`Dea Clan > Blog > Special News > New Branding Adopted by the O’Dea Clan

At the 10th International Clan Gathering held in Ennis, Co. Clare in May 2018, the Clan adopted a new logo and other branding elements.

Credit for this initiative must go to the Treasurer, Karen Dwyer.  Karen gave a presentation about the new branding for the Clan on 11 May 2018.  You can view, download, or print this presentation here: ODea Clan Brand Presentation

If you have any comments or suggestions about the new Clan branding, please contact Karen:

We have now applied the key elements of the new branding to the Clan Website.

Specific elements include:

  • The new Clan Association Logo.
  • A panoramic view of the Cliffs of Moher as the banner image.
  • The use of “Mason Sans Bold” as the font for headings.
  • The use of St. Patrick’s Blue ** as the font colour for headings and the background colour for the Main Menu.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the new-look Website, please contact us here:

Please note that we’ve also updated:

** “St. Patrick’s Blue is a name applied to several shades of blue associated with Saint Patrick and Ireland.  The colour blue’s association with Saint Patrick dates from the 1780s, when it was adopted as the colour of the Anglo-Irish “Order of St. Patrick”.  In British usage, it refers to a sky blue used by the Order of St. Patrick, whereas in Irish usage it is often a dark, rich blue.  While green is now the usual national colour of Ireland, St. Patrick’s blue is still found in symbols of both the state and the island.” – source:’s_blue



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