Register for the Clan Reunion in St. Louis St. Charles, Missouri in June 2019 – Pay by Check/Cheque

Dysert O`Dea Clan > Registration for the Clan Reunion in St. Louis St. Charles, Missouri in June 2019 > Register for the Clan Reunion in St. Louis St. Charles, Missouri in June 2019 – Pay by Check/Cheque

This page enables you to register for the O’Dea Clan Reunion in St. Louis St. Charles, Missouri in June 2019 and pay for your registration by check/cheque.

The 2019 Clan Reunion runs for 4 days from Sunday June 23, 2019 to the morning of Wednesday June 26, 2019. 

The process of registering for the Clan Reunion in St. Louis St. Charles, Missouri in June 2019 and paying by Check/Cheque has 3 steps:

  1. Download the Registration Form.
  2. Complete the Registration form.
  3. Send us your completed form together with your check/cheque in $USD for the amount owing.

Step 1: Please download the Registration Form: O’Dea Clan – Clan Reunion Registration Form for June 2019

Step 2: Please complete the Registration Form.

You can:

  1. Fill it in by typing your booking details into the form.  The form is an interactive PDF and the amounts, the sub-totals, and the overall total will be calculated automatically as you enter the number of people you wish to book for.
  2. Print the completed form.

Alternatively, you may wish to:

  1. Print the blank form.
  2. Fill it in by hand.  You will need to calculate the amounts, the sub-totals, and the overall total yourself.

Step 3: Please send us your completed form together with your check/cheque in $USD for the amount owing to this address:

Joan Koechig
3084 DeVilla Trail
St. Charles
MO  63301  USA


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