Clan Chronicles – Summary

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Archive Code Document Number Volume Title of Document Subtitle Document Type Extent of Document
ODCAA One 1/1 Vol.1, No. 1 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Dysert O’Dea Clan Association 1st Edition 1990 Typescript 11 pages
ODCAA One 1/2 Vol.1, No. 2 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Dysert O’Dea Clan Association 1991 Typescript 19 pages
ODCAA One 1/3 Vol.1, No. 3 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Dysert O’Dea Clan Association December 1992 Typescript 19 pages
ODCAA One 1/4 Vol. 2, No. 1 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Christmas 1993 Typescript 17 pages
ODCAA One 1/5 Vol. 2, No. 2 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Summer 1994 Typescript 13 pages
ODCAA One 1/6 Vol. 2, No. 3 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Spring 1995 Typescript 13 pages
ODCAA One 1/7 Vol. 2, No. 4 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Christmas 1995 Typescript 13 pages
ODCAA One 1/8 Vol. 2, No. 5 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Clan Gathering Edition, Summer 1996 Typescript 15 pages
ODCAA One 1/9 Vol. 3, No. 1 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Spring 1997 Typescript 19 pages
ODCAA One 1/10 Vol. 3, No. 2 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Christmas 1997 Typescript 20 pages
ODCAA One 1/11 Vol. 3, No. 3 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Christmas 1998 Typescript 26 pages
ODCAA One 1/12 Vol. 3, No. 4 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Clan Gathering Edition, Summer 1999 Typescript 27 pages
ODCAA One 1/13 Vol. 4, No. 3 O’Dea Clan Chronicle March 2001 Typescript 12 pages
ODCAA One 1/14 Vol. 4, No. 4 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Christmas 2001 Typescript 8 pages
ODCAA One 1/15 Vol. 4, No. 5 O’Dea Clan Chronicle Clan Gathering Edition, July 2002 Typescript 12 pages
ODCAA One 1/16 Vol. 5, No. 3 O’Dea Clan Chronicle O’Dea Clan Newsletter, Winter 2003 Typescript 24 pages


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1 thought on “Clan Chronicles – Summary”

  1. What are the O’Dea Clan’s historical colors, or do we not have our official clan tartan, these days? If we do not have our own clan tartan and clan colors then why not can we make ourselves one and then put to a clan majority vote? In consideration of our historical clan’s crest, perhaps our colors should consist of; white – representing the our Clan crest’s background, Hunter green – to represent the twin snakes, Skye Blue to represent the colored cuff upon the hand upholding the sword, and perhaps a light silvery gray to represent the color of the steel sword upon our clan crest… White – for the purity of our ancestor’s “righteous cause and unwavering devotion despite any and all oppression within and without”, Green – For the symbol of our universally united Irish heritage, Blue – For the sovereign loyalty our past heritage behind us & our clans successful resilience in the future before us. The light gray steel color should represent the Clans time tested everlasting steely fortitude and integrity of honor “above all”!

    Perhaps, we will need the royal red from the twin Serpent’s tongues as well to make a colorful tartan the represents our clan with pride and dignity that’s honors our steadfast heritage as well. Red – For the noble blood and sacrifices made in our clan’s stalwart warrior’s past that paved the way for the everlasting survival of our clan today… So, what does everybody think? Be it a good idea or not, at least it will bring everybody together to think of this subject as a whole and to come up with something appropriate for our clan that we all can be proud of showing the world our time honored strong “Irish Roots” and where our mighty ancestors lived and came from, without shame or dishonor of our well storied kindred Celtic ethnicity! – RMT, Cheers & Blessings to all my kindred peoples wherever you may be! @06-22-2023

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