Membership Terms and Conditions

Dysert O`Dea Clan > Sign up as a New Member or Renew your Membership > Membership Terms and Conditions


By submitting an online membership subscription or by submitting a paper-based application form, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.

You also agree to be bound by the Clan Association’s Constitution which can be viewed here: Constitution


These terms and conditions apply to:

  1. New Memberships.
  2. Membership Renewals.

Objects of the Clan Association

The Objects of the Association are to:

  • Facilitate and encourage exchange between Clan members to research the history and genealogy, ancient and modern, of the O’Dea Clan.
  • Foster kinship, establish friendships, rekindle relationships.
  • Promote the Clan and organise Clan Gatherings.
  • Inform the Clan membership of its activities and promotions by publishing a regular Newsletter.

Who is Eligible to be a Member?

Membership shall be open to all persons who bear the surname or maiden name O’Dea (including O’Day, O’Dee, Dea, Day or Dee), and their relations, and others wishing to promote the objects of the Association.

Application for Membership

Applications for membership may be made in such manner as the Committee may from time to time approve.

The Clan Association currently offers two choices for new memberships and membership renewals:

  1. Online Payment.
  2. Paper Form and Payment by Cheque or Money Order.


All members shall pay an annual membership fee or subscription.  The elected Committee shall set the annual membership fee, which shall be approved at the Clan Gathering.  This fee shall be set so that income and expenditure are in balance.  The subscription shall be payable in conjunction with the Clan Gathering with the period of membership running until the end of the next Clan Gathering.  There will be individual and family/household membership, the latter entitling a maximum of two votes to persons of that family/household over 18 years who are paid-up and present.

Rights Not Transferable

The rights of a member are not transferable and end when membership ceases.

Ceasing Membership

The membership of a person ceases on resignation, expulsion or death.

Resigning as a Member

A member may resign by notice in writing given to the Clan Association.


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