Proposed Changes to the Constitution of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association
A number of changes to the Constitution have been proposed. Details are available here: Proposed Changes to the Constitution
These changes will be considered by the Members at the next Triennial General Meeting which is expected to be held in 2025.
Constitution of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association
1. The Association shall be called the “Dysert O’Dea Clan Association”, as Gaeilge:
“Cumann Chlann Diseart O Deaghaidh”.
2. The Objects of the Association are to:
- Facilitate and encourage exchange between Clan members to research the history and genealogy, ancient and modern, of the O’Dea Clan.
- Foster kinship, establish friendships, rekindle relationships.
- Promote the Clan and organise Clan Gatherings.
- Inform the Clan membership of its activities and promotions by publishing a regular Newsletter.
3. Membership shall be open to all persons who bear the surname or maiden name O’Dea (including O’Day, O’Dee, Dea, Day or Dee), and their relations, and others wishing to promote the objects of the Association.
4. All members shall pay an annual membership fee or subscription. The elected Committee shall set the annual membership fee, which shall be approved at the Clan Gathering. This fee shall be set so that income and expenditure are in balance. The subscription shall be payable in conjunction with the Clan Gathering with the period of membership running until the end of the next Clan Gathering. There will be individual and family/household membership, the latter entitling a maximum of two votes to persons of that family/household over 18 years who are paid-up and present.
5. Membership subscriptions and any other income received by the Association shall be lodged to a bank account in the name of the association. Withdrawals from the account shall be made solely on the joint signatures of any two of the chairman, secretary, or treasurer. Two signatories shall be based in Ireland.
Executive Committee
6. The affairs of the Clan shall be managed by the Clan Executive Committee. From time to time, the above officers may co-opt additional persons to further the Objects of the Association.
Membership Benefits
7. Members shall be entitled to visit the Castle at Dysert free of charge, receive a copy of the regular Newsletter, and be updated on developments. The Newsletter shall have an Editor and an Assistant Editor. They will be appointed by the Committee and preferably, one shall be based outside Ireland and one based in Ireland. It shall be entitled the “O’Dea Clan Chronicle”.
(NOTE: Free entry to the Castle is no longer available: The Constitution will be updated to reflect this change at the earliest opportunity in accordance with Clause 11 below).
Clan Gatherings
8. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to ensure that the O’Dea Clan Gathering is organised on a three year basis, unless there are special circumstances supporting a different period. Notification of a subsequent Gathering shall be sent to all financial members and those people who attended the previous one.
9. Officers shall be elected at each Clan Gathering by members who are present and fully paid-up. Current Title holders shall retire from their offices at the end of the Gathering, with the exception of the Tanaiste, who shall become the Taoiseach for the subsequent three year period. The previous officer board shall oversee the election of new officers. All office holders shall be entitled to re-election. Nominations for election must be received, in writing by the Tanaiste, who will publish them, at least twenty four hours prior to the election.
General Meeting
10. The Clan Committee shall hold a formal General Meeting at the Clan Gathering at which Reports shall be presented by the Chairman, and the Treasurer, and other officers. Other meetings shall be held as required.
Changes to the Constitution
11. If an issue arises that requires an urgent change to the Constitution such changes may be discussed and voted on at the Clan Triennial Meeting. Otherwise any amendments to the Constitution are to be advised to the secretary in writing at least a week before the Clan Gathering. These proposed amendments will be published on the first day of the Gathering and a two thirds majority of those present at the Meeting and eligible to vote shall be required to carry any such amendments. Any agreed change shall take effect immediately.
Ennis, Co. Clare, July 1990
Approved at the Second Triennial Clan Gathering, Ennis, Co. Clare, July 1993
Updated at the Eighth Triennial Clan Gathering, Ennis, Co. Clare, July 2011 and again at the Ninth Triennial Clan Gathering, Ennis, Co. Clare, July 2014
PDF Version of the Constitution
A copy of the above
is available as a PDF here:Australian Sub-Group
The objectives of the Australian sub-group are outlined here: Australian Sub-Group – Objectives
The constitution of the Australian sub-group is available here: Australian Sub-Group – Constitution