Presentations from the Clan Reunion held in Adelaide in April 2017 are Now Available

Dysert O`Dea Clan > Clan Events

The following presentations from the Clan Reunion held in Adelaide in April 2017 are now available for viewing/downloading:

  1. The O’Dea Castle – A History by the Wisconsin O’Days: ODea Castle Slideshow
  2. The O’Dea Clan Web Site by Tom & Ruth O’Dea: ODea Clan Website – 08 Apr 2017
  3. The Irish Were Here – Bakers Flat Kapunda by Susan Arthure, PhD Candidate, Archaeology Department, Flinders University: The Irish Were Here – Bakers Flat Kapunda

Thank you to the authors for agreeing to share their presentations with the rest of the Clan.


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Presentations from the Clan Reunion held at Niagara Falls in July 2016 are Now Available

Dysert O`Dea Clan > Clan Events

Niagara Falls

The following presentations from the Clan Reunion held at Niagara Falls in July 2016 are now available for viewing/downloading:

  1. The O’Dea Castle – A History by the Wisconsin O’Days: ODea Castle Slideshow
  2. Patrick O’Day and the Fenian Invasion of Canada 1866 by Edward J. O’Day: Patrick ODay and the Fenian Invasion of Canada 1866

Thank you to the authors for sharing their presentations with the rest of the Clan.


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