Frequently Asked Questions / Who can be a Member of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association?

Dysert O`Dea Clan > About the Clan Association > Frequently Asked Questions / Who can be a Member of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association?

If your name is O’Dea, O’Day, O’Dee, Dea, Day or Dee, or if you are descended from an O’Dea, O’Day, O’Dee, Dea, Day or Dee, then you are a member of Clan Uí Deághaidh.

Membership of the O’Dea Clan is not the same as being a member of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association.

Becoming a registered user of this web site doers not constitute membership of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association.

Membership of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association is open to all persons who bear the surname or maiden name O’Dea (including O’Day, O’Dee, Dea, Day or Dee), and their relations, and others wishing to promote the objects of the Association.

In order to become a member of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association, you must apply for membership and pay the appropriate membership subscription. 

There are two ways you can apply for membership of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association:

  1. Submit an online application and pay online using your credit card/debit card or your PayPal account.
  2. Download and print a membership application form and pay by check/cheque.

These options are available here:

If you have any questions about membership of the Dysert O’Dea Clan Association, you can contact one of the Membership Registrars:


Posted in: About the Clan Association, About the O'Dea Clan, Membership of the Clan Association

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