The Presentation by Jane O’Brien about Clans, Castles and Culture in Co. Clare can be viewed here: Clans, Castles and Culture in Co. Clare by Jane O’Brien
Clan Articles
The Presentation by Jane O’Brien about Clans, Castles and Culture in Co. Clare can be viewed here: Clans, Castles and Culture in Co. Clare by Jane O’Brien
The material presented here was prepared by Ron Carey of Adelaide, South Australia, as one of his assignments for his Genealogy training.
He received a High Distinction for this assignment.
Keynote Lecture by Katharine Simms about the Battle of Dysert O’Dea – 10 May 2018 (this is a PDF which you can view, download, or print): The Battle of Dysert ODea – Katharine Simms
Presentation by Paddy Waldron about the O’Dea/O’Day/Dee DNA Project – 11 May 2018:
The video of Paddy Waldron’s presentation is now available on YouTube:
DNA Workshop with mention of the DNA the O Deas of Aglishcormick, Co. Limerick – Paddy Waldron & Edmond O’Dea – 11 May 2018 (this is a PDF which you can view, download, or print): ODea clan presentation may 2018
Presentation by Karen Dwyer about the new branding for the Clan – 11 May 2018 (this is a PDF which you can view, download, or print): ODea Clan Brand Presentation
(Note: The new branding will be applied to the Clan Website during 2018).